Welcome to the OZ Funds Investors Conference
The combination of Opportunity Zone Funds with other local tax incentives in Puerto Rico, offers investors a unique investment opportunity.
We invite you join us at our investors conference. Among the topics we will be discussing are accounting, legal and key central aspects of OZ funds. We will also discuss real estate opportunities, export services and insights from OZ fund managers. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
Since the announcement of the Opportunity Zones Funds, there has been great buzz in the investment community. Puerto Rico presents unique opportunities as a result of a 94.5% zone designation. This event is an opportunity to educate, explore and discuss the possibilities of using such tax incentive as a powerful economic driver for the island’s economic recovery.
1:00 PM
Host Pedro Juan Hernandez
1:05 PM
Welcome Ricky Santana – Colectivo 360 LLC, OZ19 Organizer
1:10 PM
Economic Development – Overview of Puerto Rico’s Economy
2:10 – 3:15 PM
101 of OZ Funds – How they Work?
3:20 – 4:00 PM
US and PR tax and legal framework
4:00 – 4:20 PM
Coffee Break
4:20 – 4:50 PM
Government – Public influencers unveil their commitment to make OZ happen.
4:55 – 5:20 PM
Act 20/22 How they fit at this inflection point.
5:25 – 6:15 PM
Raising Capital, Initiatives, structures and investment strategies.
6:15 – 7:00 PM
Now that we know the legal and structuring, let’s discuss the opportunities.
Economic Development
Overview of Puerto Rico’s Economy.
legal and US Law an PR counterpart.
Act 20/22
How they fit at this inflection point.
Raising capital,
initiatives and structures. Hurry up or wait.
Expert weigh
in on OZ funds investments strategies. Vision on leveraging abandoned zones into economic hot zones.
Now that we know
the legal and structuring, let’s discuss the opportunities.
Real Estate
Tourism – Commercial – Beachfront Properties
Export Services
Accounting – Legal – Banking – Insurance
Tax Incentives
Act 27, Act 73, Act 273 Act 20, Act 399
The Producer
Richard Santana is an experienced entrepreneur, business advisor and real estate broker. He collaborates with several local investors and entities promoting Puerto Rico’s business opportunities.